Monday, September 26, 2016

Chapter 3-4

Chapter 3-4
As an individual, I admit I am quick to stereotype others. Cleveland mentions how when working a summer at camp she judged the fraternity brothers. People often do the same with Dordt College. I often hear people making jokes about Dordt about how we are all goody goody's etc. We create categories of groups without even thinking. Cleveland points out how easy it is to jump to gross conclusions concerning out group, and by contrasts to see the high potential in the "in groups".

In chapter 4, the author points out that we look at different denominations as a completely different religion even when they may be similar. We put "other" denominations in the other category. In all reality they should fit in the "us" category. This is something tat we need to focus on. I see this happen often at Dordt. If you are Christian Reformed you are often put into a different category even when they are very similar in beliefs. This is something that I really need to work on and I think Cleveland did a good job explaining this. 


  1. I have seen these ideas at Dordt as well, and I have observed stereotyping occurring on many different levels. I have struggled with this as well, and it is good to always consider the assumptions that we are making and whether or not they are actually God-Honoring.

  2. I went to a Lutheran Church growing up, attended a E-Free youth group, worked at a Non-Denom/E-Free church camp, and now go to a Reformed church. To some people at Dordt this is crazy. I really never thought much of my denomination hopping until people were thinking I was crazy at Dordt. I just try to love and serve the Lord as best I can and I think maybe the discussions and friction encountered along the way is awesome. I really don't understand the Prot, CRC, URC, Reformed, nonsense that goes on between people of different denominations. I have even heard people say that people of a different church group are a different religion than them. What the heck? I don't understand.

  3. I agree with the stereotypes given to students who are going to Dordt. I often hear someone say "Oh you're going to Dork College? Why would you go there?" It is something all of us struggle with however and the only way to get over it is to work on it every day - to work on moving out of our comfort zones and hang out with those we have been stereotyping daily.

  4. I appreciate you sharing your personal conviction and ways that you can continue to grow.
